Setting up virtual audio cable discord
Setting up virtual audio cable discord

You then choose the largest number that has no statistics and multiply this x3. To do this, simply let music run constantly through the cable and watch the statistics. It is also possible to improve the latency here. EXE:Ĭ:\Program Files (x86)\VB\VoicemeeterVBVMVAIO3_ControlPanel.exe If you use Voicemeeter Potato, you should also check the following. Here we again check that all cables use the same sampling rate. After the installation, it is particularly important to ensure that the computer is restarted. Voicemeeter Potato has 5 inputs and outputs instead of 3 inputs and outputs, as well as an additional virtual input and also has a few other functions. If you need more than 3 inputs and outputs provided by Voicemeeter Banana, you can use Voicemeeter Potato instead. VB-Audio Hi-Fi Cable can be found on the same download page as VB-Audio Cable, just scroll down further. Voicemeeter Banana, as well as VB-Audio Cable and VB-Audio Hi-Fi Cable can be downloaded for free from the manufacturer’s website. If you have an audio interface, you can also use it, as Voicemeeter Banana supports ASIO natively. It is recommended to install VB-Audio Cable and VB-Cable Hi-FI Cable from the same manufacturer at the same time, since the virtual mixer console can use different inputs. The Original Tutorial in German (Deutsch). This tutorial will help with proper setup and use. Unfortunately, especially as a beginner, you quickly lose track of things. Name it whatever you want and save it.Voicemeeter Banana is a very powerful tool with an incredibly wide range of functions. but once you got the fx chain you want, it needs to be on VB cable in order to digitally route) which can be useful for tweaking your plugin settings. (if you set it to your speakers/audio interface/headphones/etc. If your interface's buffer size is 128, then it needs to be 128 in Reaper (or in ASIO4ALL if that's what you're using) If your interface/mic's sample rate is 44100, then it needs to be 44100 in Reaper, You want to keep the settings of your audio interface/mic equal to the these same settings in the DAW. (it's always going to be your hardware as the source. Reaper's Input: Your Microphone/Interface Which audio driver to use: WASAPI? DirectSound? Asio4All (download it online free)? Whichever gets the job done and puts out the audio quality you want. If Reaper isn't active, it'll just use your regular mic as the default instead. Set VB Cable as your default input and default communication device in Windows. You don't necessarily need Voicemeeter or a VST Host like Cantibile to do this. So many guides online either overcomplicated it or gave unclear instructions so I made my own.

Setting up virtual audio cable discord